Politics. The Old Fashioned Way.

America is in a political crisis. The Republicans have caused it. Here's something that can be done about it by you. What worked for them on Conservative Talk Radio will not work on Social Media. This election is going to be fought out on social media. The Democrats can own the Republicans on Social Media if they remember how politics is done. This is ammunition for the political wars on Social Media

At this point, the 2024 election is a referendum on freedom and democracy in America. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to end it.

Originally this site was just to compensate for lousy messaging about all the great stuff President Biden has been doing for America, especially to respond to maga types attacking him. That was before Trump looked like he would be on the ballot in 2024. Now, this includes some cute image memes meant to be posted on Social Media as reminders about Trump's history and nature. It's a pretty ugly tale of immorality and contempt for the law. To copy the address of the image for pasting to your favorite Social Media, you can right click on the image and select "Copy image address".

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(04/06/2024 - This is still a work in progress.)